- How the Sexes Came to Be
- Scientific explanation for the feminist movement
- Explain the Textile Industry
- How can we curb unfair labor and be cost neutral (own less, repurpose more)
- Explain the Food Industry
- Pros and Cons of global food trade and localized food systems
- Regional food networks?
- Energy Industry Overview
- Dear 20 Something
- How to Influence Change: Net Positive Capitalism
- How Self-Sustaining Business Models Affect Change
- “All parties benefit through participation”
- Government Budget Breakdown: Tax Contribution Breakdown & Misconceptions Explained
- Power of the People: The Referendum
- Congress Explained
- Funding Reform
- Multi-Party System: Explained
- Free Education: Why it Matters
- Why subsidized education is key
- What publicly funded colleges will do for the US,
- Still have to apply, professors still hired on merritt
- Financial Effects:
- Biz still needs candidates
- Levels playing field & skews away from advantages /disadvantages based on income
- Invest in education, invest in staff, invest in economy
378M ppl / avg life span of 80
Find # of kids of undergrad age
* 4 * % eligible for bachelors
* 2 * rest of pop for sake of example
= 16M students per year to educate
If avg class offered is 30 kids per class = 533,333.34 classes needed X 4 / semester / # of classes a teacher can teach / semester
Figure out cost of educating
Cost of living
Figure out how much we’re spending in education currently (compare states)
Figure out how much subsidizing education costs
= % universities need to stay cost neutral
Add color with institution run programs:
- Culinary
- Cost for sports venues redirected
If we increased funding by x% to accommodate all funding over next 20 years we’d inclur $XXXXXX in debt + SOME %% for implementation of knowledge @ affordable $$$: textbooks, etc
- We’d increase workforce productivity by x% by having x% more educated workers in the US
- We’d increase GDP by x% year over hear for 20 years, resulting in:
- What kind of Growth?
Huge demand for sustainability education in:
- Manufacturing
- Infrastructure
- Energy
- Transportation
- Food
- Commerce
Solve for this need with federal grants?
How will all of this ultimately affect GDP? Increase Salaries? Reduce impact?
- Incentivise businesses to offer $$ for education investment, scholarships for higher learning
- US GDP Breakdown
- What is a GDP? - part of Econ 101 series
- Ways to Decrease National Spending & Increase GDP
- Popular Vote for President
- Limited Terms for Congress
- What the terms are now, effects of changing it
- Publicly Funded political campaigns
- Number 1,2,3, preferences for votes
- Financial effects
- Effects onCongress - vote on the other side of the isle
- Supreme court
- Options for senators due to this
- Senators should be esteemed citizens, not lifelong politicians
- Natural succession allows for political growth to represent whats actually going on state to state
- Mitch McConnell opposes, and many other senators (# of senators, graphic)
- Why? Bc he has to in order to get reelected
- Endcard: Allow senators to free themseles from corporate control and ask them to hold themselves and the system accountable
- Tag your state rep and yurv friends in this video to grow the conversation
- Not sure who’s your rep? Visit this website and help create change today
- Bc together we make the world go round? A better place?
- Next time n sustain sphere: outro, resources
- Goal: 5 minutes
- To do: research sotry board, script, grapgics, film, record
- How we communicate
- Interview professor
- 3 easy steps
- The concept of Church: the need for community
- Decrease in church going, how this effect society compared to church role in society in the past
- Why decreases?
- What lack of community does to society
- Benefits of community
- Benefits of church: self reflection
- So what can we do?
- Start our own communities around love and shared empathy
- Give back with friends
- Make time to self care, confide andreflect
- Forgive yourself
- Why are God and Science opposing?
- How science reaffirms hope & belief in a greater power
- Teaching our kids the unknown is okay and our sto discover it also for us to create
- What can we do?
- Invest in science (example/clip of Niel Degrasse Tyson)
- What happens if we invest in science
- Growth in economy, knowledge, perspective, quality of life
- Incentivise the non-use of plastics & big business to evolve system
- How to incentivise Big Biz evolvement & growth - ex: the plastics industry
- Why big biz doesn’t evolve - how to curb that
- Offer tax breaks for research, sustainability
- Not up to businesses to self define what they’re entitled to - up to the government
- EX: what if big oil took 10% of profit and invested in solar?
- # of jobs created, company’s bottom line, global impact
- What if
- Why global immersion is good but hard
- Why systemic racism hurts: even if we don’t hate in our heart, the scale of the individual vs. the whole
- Jury duty experience
- Why seeing color is good
- Series: As History Repeats Itself
- Ocean Vacuums
- Why Change Hurts and We Don’t “See” Growth
- Why people react
- Focusing on problems instead of solutions
- Series: Tax Plans Realized
- Compare taxing middle class vs. big biz
- The News
- Why the news needs to rationalize reporting w/ facts/figures
- “They Say”
- Why we don’t hear ratio of positive things in the world
- Why fear and anger sell
- Why supporting opinion news is killing our society
- Want vs. Need: the evolution of journalism
- Why we need to pay teachers A LOT
- Teach our kids to: relext, express themselves, consume information, civic duty, recycle
- Why we don’t feel racist but still don’t have empathy for otherness
- The Difference between a protest and a riot
- How media is flawed and why facts don’t rule
- (nothing of value was created in a day)
- How Capitalism shifts priorities from the collective good to irrational self preservation: THE EGO
- Why we need bee keepers!
- The history if the hijab
- Advertising explained
- 5 things to teach our children
- 5 ways to create change
- Small act brought large scale
- What if only 10% of us did this
- Compost/recycle, cook, plan, write, LOVE
- Let resistance encourage you to work harder: a lesson on perspective
- Not getting a promotion
- Dept of Agriculture closed for 2 weeks; why?
- Property Value / Time
- Last election: 100m ppl voted; what % of ppl?
- 44 mil uninsured before Obamacare, now down to 20 mil - now over 90% of US citizens insured
- Civil Rights
- How do we unify?
- We must value all members
- Adhere to common values
- Believe the good of all is more important than good for self
- Disenfranchise corp support of political funding
- Corp standards of community growth must be higher
- Government only works if its held accountable by the people
- Corporations only work if held accountable by government
- Why it’s okay to say you were wrong
- How to vote: The lesser of two evils
- I am America’s GDP
- What to do with that? Ask the questions!
- Personal Accountability
- Unbiased information
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
- The American Dream vs. The American Reality
- Working in media showed me the wya the world works, money rules and logic is egotiable
- How do we change this, and what do we change it to?
- How online advertising works
- How online media works
- Sustainability:
- ^^Where does this line actually land? Review current state of US life
- Define components of Cost of Living
- Define components of Resources
- Dissect component of sub area
- Discuss current market standings, areas of opportunity, dispair, actionable effort to effect change for all
- Functional Society needs
- The Election/Gov’t accountability MACRO
- Corp responsibility
- Unbiased media
- Clean energy (is a resource, not a business)
- Quality education
- Personal accountability to
- Healthy communities
- Healthy bodies
- Effective communication
- Educated consumers MICRO